Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht
Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht
Germar Tetzlaff (Head of Marketing and Local Productions, 20th Century Fox), Anna Zündel (Production Executive, Fox International Productions), Christina Christ (Producer, Bavaria Pictures GmbH), Mina Tander, Alessandro Bressanello, Sven Unterwaldt (Director), Christian Ulmen, Ronald Mühlfellner (Producer, Bavaria Pictures GmbH), Stephan Schuh (Head of Cinematography) (from left) on the set of "Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht" (2015)
Sukūrimo data: 2015
Aprašymas: Germar Tetzlaff (Head of Marketing and Local Productions, 20th Century Fox), Anna Zündel (Production Executive, Fox International Productions), Christina Christ (Producer, Bavaria Pictures GmbH), Mina Tander, Alessandro Bressanello, Sven Unterwaldt (Director), Christian Ulmen, Ronald Mühlfellner (Producer, Bavaria Pictures GmbH), Stephan Schuh (Head of Cinematography) (from left) on the set of "Antonio, ihm schmeckt's nicht" (2015)
Raktažodžiai: Christina Christ / Stephan Schuh / Ronald Mühlfellner / Sven Unterwaldt / Alessandro Bressanello / Mina Tander / Christian Ulmen
Tiekėjas: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Teisės: In Copyright / 2015 Twentieth Century Fox
Dokumento tipas: Set photo